kalbim anaokulu

When we consider parents as the teachers of the child at home, this behavior can easily be disrupted if a positive behavior to be gained by the teacher at school is not maintained by the parents at home. For this reason, today's educators and teachers emphasize the importance of parents as teachers at home. Parents and teachers should make a joint effort to create a suitable learning environment for children. The child's first learning experiences at home increase the teachers' chances of success in classroom practices by supporting their learning initiatives at school.
Therefore, teachers should evaluate the child's family environment well and always be in contact with the family supervisors in order to prepare better educational opportunities for him. Otherwise, it is not possible to achieve success in school education unless it is supported by parents at home.
In teacher-parent meetings;
  • Parents are informed about the rules to be followed in schools and the regulations to be applied, and healthier progress will be achieved with the support of parents in the process.
  • Each child has its own differences and as each student will exhibit different successes, individual evaluation is made, so it would be wrong to expect more success than the characteristics of the student.
  • If there are subjects that parents want to be informed about student development, the counselors take notes and seminars are organized at certain times.
  • Parents' opinions about the school are taken into consideration and applicable ones are taken into consideration.
  • Parents are reminded that the child's behavior should be monitored from time to time and that their teachers should also inform them about unusual behaviors.
 Developmental reports, which are very important in terms of being a summary of the acquisitions such as attitude, knowledge, skill, behavior in areas such as social emotional field development report, psycho-motor development report, self-care development report, language field development report, cognitive field development report, school It covers all of the purposeful educational activities in pre-education institutions.
 Developmental reports prepared in line with the data obtained from methods such as developmental checklists, portfolios, behavior assessment forms and classroom observations, guide families in terms of revealing the effect of the learning process on the development of the child, as well as important data for more effective and student-centered planning of educational activities. It is also very important for educators as it provides.
 It is a screening test used to evaluate the development of children between the ages of 0-6. It is a measurement tool developed to detect developmental problems in young children. It is a scale consisting of 116 items and 4 sub-sections in order to evaluate certain skills of the child, measure developmentally suspicious situations objectively and monitor children at risk. This test, which evaluates the child's age-appropriate skills, is valuable in screening developmental problems that do not show symptoms, objectively confirming suspicious situations, and monitoring children at developmental risk (for example, babies with prenatal problems). Denver 2 compares the child's ability in functions with peers. It is not an intelligence test, but a developmental test. It cannot be used to predict future mental or adaptive ability.
 The application target of the test consists of parents and children, the application is carried out together with the parents and children. Some information about the child is obtained from the parents and it is implemented. The questions that should be directed to the mother from the items in the test form are directed to the mother, and the items expected to be made by the child are directed to the child. Standard guidelines must be followed during the application phase of the test.
 Denver 2 is used to detect possible developmental problems in healthy children. It is valuable in three key areas:
a) Screening children who seem healthy in terms of possible problems,
b) It allows to objectively identify functions suspected of developmental retardation,
c) Can be used to monitor risky babies (eg prenatal problems, low birth weight or premature birth, multiple pregnancies, developmental problems in the family, babies born with assisted reproductive techniques, etc.).
 It covers personal-social (communicating with people, meeting individual needs), fine motor (hand-eye coordination, using objects, problem solving), language (hearing, understanding, using language) and gross motor (sitting, walking, jumping and general coordination ability), has the feature of being easier to apply than many other developmental screening tests in terms of showing which percentage of the child is compared to other children in his age group.
DENVER 2 Test is used in the field in three areas:
1) Clinical evaluation:
  It should be used as a screening test in healthy children who do not show any symptoms or children in the 0-6 age group with suspected symptoms. The test should be performed at regular intervals (eg once a year). It also creates a suitable environment for parents to give information and advice on child development.
2) Special Education:
  It helps to monitor the positive or negative effects of the education program by intermittently repeating the first evaluations of children who have been diagnosed with their developmental problem and started special education.
3) Pre-School Institutions:
  It can be used to determine the skill level and development of the child who started a preschool education institution and to direct him to a doctor / hospital in case of a possible problem. It is useful to inform the family and to create the education program of the child.

The Ankara Development Screening Inventory (AGTE) is an assessment tool that provides in-depth and systematic information about the development of infants and children. It is an inventory applied in order to evaluate children between the ages of 0-6 in terms of developmental. It is applied by psychologists working in the field of child mental health. In monthly periods starting from 0-3 months up to 48-72 months; Language development, mental skills, small-muscle development, big-muscle development, social development and self-care skills are scored one by one. This evaluation is done in an environment where parents and children are together, if possible. The inventory consists of 154 items answered as "Yes, No, I don't know".
The inventory also enables the early recognition of babies and children who are considered to be at risk in terms of developmental delay and irregularity and to take necessary precautions. In addition to the questions directed to the parents by the psychologist, the child is also taken under observation, step by step, every skill the child has is also evaluated. In this way, the application provides mothers with the opportunity to better observe the developmental behaviors and to know the children better. This inventory can be answered by fathers, caregivers and teachers as well as mothers. However, it is important to know the nature of the relationship of the informant to the child when applied in schools or institutions.
For example; that the child can use glasses using both hands; Up to the ability to know his address, whether his development in the previously mentioned areas of language - cognitive, small-large muscle, social - self-care skills is appropriate for the calendar age is scored and given to the Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist as an evaluation report.
It is a test applied to the 4-6 age group to determine whether children are psychologically ready for school, the rules required by the school, and learning. It is used to evaluate the physiological, environmental and mental factors that should be in preparation for school.
This test consists of 6 subtests and a total of 100 items:
Understanding Words; aimed at determining understanding and comprehension of language.
Sentences; The child is expected to understand the sentence told to him and combine it with the picture he sees.
General Information; The child is asked to establish a relationship between the picture shown and the object he / she knows and to name the object.
Pairing; The child is asked to find the same picture framed in the middle of the row and frame it. Generally, in this test, it is stated that children who cannot mark the figures correctly and who mark them in reverse have problems in reading and writing.
Numbers; It measures the number knowledge. In this sub-test, it is aimed to measure the number concept that has been acquired until then, thus the number maturity in preschool children who did not have a specific education about numbers and series.
Copying; It is a test that measures the child's ability to correctly perceive the shape he sees and to include it in the space. Copying has an important place in learning the writing. It measures the combination of visual perception and movement control, which is essential in learning to write. It has been determined that such tests determine mental maturity as well as physical development in children. The child's tendency to perceive inverted in the space he shows in drawing and writing can manifest himself in the copying sub-test.
Observations should be made in the natural environment of children without interrupting the activity they are working on or the game they are playing, and without being aware of the observation. Observations should be made for a certain purpose, that is, the observer should know in advance what to pay attention to. In order to support children, it is important to know their skills and the areas they need to improve. In order to obtain this information, it is necessary to observe them carefully and follow their development. We should think of this not only as a job that is expected of us, but as a process that enables us to obtain important and useful information. It is very important to know a number of measurement and evaluation tools that will help us in this process and to be able to use them effectively.

  • We should not forget that each assessment and evaluation tool can have pros and cons in itself. Assessment and evaluation should be aimed to benefit the child, that is to contribute to his learning. If we can determine what issues children need support, we can ensure that these needs are met with the planning we will make.

  • It is important that assessment is fair for all children.

  • It includes the family as well as the child; It is necessary for us to share details about the child's development with the family.
To observe; It is one of the methods that can be used to understand the behavior of children and obtain direct information about the learning process and development. It is important to observe and keep observation records of each child inside and outside the classroom, during educational activities and at leisure. Since children cannot express themselves as comfortably as adults, observing them in their daily activities provides the necessary data to gather information about the child.


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Kişisel Veri Tanımı:

Kişisel Veri tanımımız 6698 sayılı Kişisel Verilerin Korunması Kanununda yapılan tanım ile uyumludur. Bu kanuna göre kişisel veri, kimliği belirli veya belirlenebilir gerçek kişiye ilişkin her türlü bilgiyi ifade etmektedir. Kişisel veriden söz edebilmek için, verinin bir gerçek kişiye ilişkin olması ve bu kişinin de belirli ya da belirlenebilir nitelikte olması gerekmektedir.

Kişisel Veri Kullanım Amacımız:

Şirketimiz ile paylaştığınız kişisel verileri kullanma amacımız okullarımız tarafından sunulan hizmetler hakkında sizi bilgilendirmek ve yapılan güncellemeler hakkında haberdar etmektir. Ayrıca okullarımız hakkında veya okul tercihlerinizi şekillendiren nedenler hakkında değerlendirme yapmak amacıyla sizlerle iletişime geçebiliriz. Kullandığımız iletişim yöntemleri çoğunlukla telefon, sms, eposta, mektup olmaktadır.

Kalbim Bir Anaokulu Eğitim Şirketi kişisel verilerinizi hukuka ve dürüstlük kuralının öngördüğü biçimde, işlenme amaçları ile bağlantılı, sınırlı ve ölçülü olarak, doğru ve güncel olarak, belirli açık ve meşru amaçlar ile işlemeyi taahhüt etmektedir.

Kişisel Veri Sahibi Olarak Haklarınız:

Kişisel Verilerin Korunması Kanunu ve yürürlükte bulunan diğer mevzuat çerçevesinde kalmak kaydıyla kurumumuz ile yazılı veya sözlü iletişim kurarak kişisel verilerinizin işlenip işlenmediğini öğrenme, kişisel verileriniz işlenmişse buna ilişkin bilgi talep etme, kişisel verilerin işlenme amacını ve bunların amacına uygun kullanılıp kullanılmadığını öğrenme, kişisel verilerinizin eksik veya yanlış işlenmiş olması halinde bunların düzeltilmesini isteme, kişisel verilerinizin silinmesini isteme haklarına sahipsiniz. Bu haklarınızı kullanma konusunda Kalbim Bir Anaokulu Şirketi sizler ile işbirliği yapmayı ilke edinmiştir.